Saturday, November 15, 2008


Crazzyy a fire less then 10 miles from me!!
Pray for the people that have to be evacuated..
& that they get the fire put out right amay :-)

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ah, i love robin, she is such a dork! i love taking pictures of her, you barely have to tell her anything she just knows hahaha. Thank you robin :-)


ive known pam since i was in third grade i believe, crazyy well she let me take some photos of her, thanks pam :-)


Tayler :-) oh how i love her so much she is my best friend & someone that will always let me take photos of her :-) & she is so beautiful & has a cute style, so thank you tayler i love you!!


life is important to me & this world is getting crazier by the second, it's crazy how many abortions have been done, it's like a whole generation being wiped out because some girl wants to try to erase her "mistake" I understand if she was raped, but that is a SMALL percentage of the girls getting their baby aborted, a baby's life is precious! its a gift not a mistake, honestly just think before you make that decision, its critical it's a humans life & something that you have to live with the rest of your life, heart ache depression you could go on & on, i just hope & pray that girls would make a smarter decision adoption their are people out there that would love to adopt a baby :-)
well God Bless

Monday, October 6, 2008


Trust in the LORD forever,
For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength.
-Isaiah 26v4

This is a truly amazing verse. We all go through trials, some big some small, but whenever we do we have to know we have a Lord with an everlasting strength, someone who will be our shelter through the storm.. Although we may think he isn't there sometimes, & ask why we are going through what we are going through, just know he really is there, He allows things in our life to build up character, to build up strength. But we have remember to put our full trust in him & allow Him to work through that trial. Well i hope this helps :-) God bless


Sunday, September 28, 2008

What we live for.

I don't know if it's only me or what, but i use to think "what am i really living for"
Like i knew i was suppose to live for Jesus, but i didn't so to say know how, like i would think, whats His will for my life, am i living to His glory or my own? & to be honest probably most of the time i was living for me. Which is terrible, & finally at the last camp it finally took me to realize, yeah i'm a christian but i wasn't living the God's glory. It's crazy 'cause when you finally just stop living for yourself & you let God take the wheel on your life, everything seems to make sense. It's true try it, you won't regret it, i promise :-)
Well God Bless,


Friday, September 26, 2008

my nephew

this is my crazy adorable nephew :-) I love him so much he is such a stinker! haha!


Well my name is Nichole, My life has had it's ups & downs. My life is far from perfect & i like it that way.
I have so many things to be thankful for, I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful family & amazing friends.
& to top it all off I have Jesus, He is the king of kings & the Lord of Lords without Him i'd be nothing & life would make no sense. Well Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day!
