Monday, October 3, 2011


You know those mornings when you wake up & feel very discouraged?
Well this morning was definitely one of those mornings.
I woke up feeling overwhelmed and very discouraged. I felt as if my mind was gonna explode. it was awful. it even caused me to be a little hesitant to read my bible, but none the less I did, and it was probably the most encouraging time of reading. All tho I was hesitant this morning to spend time in my bible, God was not hesitant to pour out His love & encouragement upon me. which caused me to wanna write this blog.
We all have mornings, days, months of feeling over whelmed and discouraged. And i know for me on those days I just wanna throw my arms up in the air and say "I give up" or just sulk in my emotions or even not spend time with my Jesus. But those are time I need to the most.
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." -Matthew 11:28-29

we even see in the Bible that God isn't a God of discouragement. He is a God of encouragement. He wants for us to come to him when we are discouraged.
He will be faithful to encourage and be all that we need.