Thursday, September 22, 2011


God brings people in your life to uplift you, to make you wanna love Jesus more. people who make you laugh, who are there to be a shoulder to cry on. ones who will do anything just make sure you are smiling. those people are called friends. & I am beginning to think that our generation has lost sight of what it really means to be a friend.
Our generation is a "feeling" based generation. What I mean is we often go for the "what feels good for me" kind of routine. really the selfish routine. It often even spills out into our friendships & it goes along the lines of a thing I like to call "convenient friendship" A convenient friendship shouldn't even be labeled as a friendship. it's where someone puts people on an emotional roller coaster going back n forth deciding if they wanna be your "friend" one day the are the next your not & it goes on and on & you never know what you are gonna get each day. You often have to walk on thin ice with these people & have to wait for them to come to you. it's awful, & often at times hurts the people around them. Our generation is becoming more like this. it seems like it's harder for people to keep friendships. I can't exclude myself from this. I am one of them. it's hard for me to get close to people & for me to stay close & to fully let my guard down. I have a mind set of of "once I get close they're just gonna leave." I've always had this mindset, but a part of it is my fault. I'm not so bad at it anymore, but i have/had a tendency of when I would get close to someone I would find a way to push them out of my life, before they "decide" to leave. I have been learning not to do that. thankfully God has been so faithful to put amazing people into my life that don't let me.
The examples that I used are not how God would want us to be like. None of ourfriendships should ever be like that. God says in friendships we should LOVE at all times. ( 17 A friend loves at all times.... Proverbs 17:17) not when we feel like it. friendships can't/won't work like that. I know friendships aren't always the easiest but the best friendships are the ones that have gone through the fire & have come out stronger. ones who stick together when things are tough.
Also, in arguments, or even if someone has offended you, you go to that person & tell them get it resolved the bible even talks about the importance of it.(15 “If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. -Matthew 18:15 ) you should always get things resolved, or try to get them resolved. friendshipsare worth more than letting petty little things end them. it's not right, & sadly it does happen. But if you care enough about them, fix it. Friendships are a gift from God. we should cherish & value them more then we do. I am so very guilty of that. Because I know I don't give my friends enough credit. God has totally blessed me with incredible friends. I couldn't have asked for better some we aren't as close as we use to be but none the less I am still so very thankful for them & how they still show they care even when I fail to do the same. I know I don't deserve my friends but I am so very thankful. they're the kind of friends who don't let petty little things get to them, ones who encourage me to be more like Jesus. Ones who make sure I'm okay when I'm sad. ones who will go out of their way to make me smile. Ones that are overall God given. I am one blessed girl. :)

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